
30/10/2017 | Natural Leigh
The answer is body oil. The skin care product is generally recommended as treatment or prevention of extremely dry skin.

12/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Research from the nation’stop doctors shows that most people have a foot injury of some sort by age 40, and women undergo the majority of

12/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Exercises are crucial for people with pain. It increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and helps combat fatigue.

12/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Natural Leigh is excited to introduce our latest product intensive foot care. If you or someone you know..

12/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Feeling stressed, anxious? Everyone has heard the phrase, “Take a chill pill”. The magical chill pill-but..

12/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
As the summer rages on, protect your skin so you don’t have to suffer from the season’s skin problems.

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Increasingly, studies are finding links between certain nutrients and wrinkle reduction, radiance, and acne prevention. Here are 10 cream of the crop..

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Problems of the feet range from minor to serious. Swelling, stiffness, pain, calluses, blisters, and sprains can usually be treated at home by removing..

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
What our Body Is Telling us What our Body Says About our Health Other signs seem to make no logical biological sense: Eyebrows that no longer extend over..

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
As you look ahead, what do you envision? If you’re like most people, you are probably eager to stay healthy and enjoy your life in the most vibrant, vigorous way possible.

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Everybody knows our heart is important. We not talking about the romantic way, although we know how passion and love are so helpful in bad days

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
At the Holidays’s it is very common eat more and consequently, gain weight. We’ll describe some foods that help us to lose weight without losing our health.

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
Once in our life we’ve all heard the expression “No pain, no gain,” but did you know that’s actually not true? We found some myths like

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
New Year Resolutions , time for looking back to the past, and most importantly, forward to the coming year. It’s a time to reflect on the

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
The most common injury in our society is back pain. In fact, approximately 60 to 90 percent of all U.S. citizens will experience at least one

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
If you have friends, look for them! CHRISTMAS is GET TOGETHER! If you have enemies, reconcile! CHRISTMAS is PEACE!

13/10/2018 | Natural Leigh
In medicine pain relates to a sensation that hurts. If you feel pain it hurts, you feel discomfort, distress and perhaps agony, depending on the severity of it.